

Welcome to your Red Ball Workshop.

You’ve taken the first step, and it’s a big one. It’s exciting to think about a world where your hard work means you make progress, not just make it through the day.

In the next couple of days you will receive a welcome email from our team confirming your registration. It will contain links to make it easy to schedule your Welcome Call. Please watch your email and get your call booked. (Please reach out to me directly if you don’t see it within two business days. email: phone: 720-273-3286 )

The great thing about a process is that it gives you a clear path to follow. In between now and your Launch Sessions, you may start to see a lot of problems and projects you want to go to work on.

This is normal.

You may also notice yourself getting more annoyed with the problems, more frustrated about the projects you haven’t been able to get to.

This is also normal.

When you register yourself into a program to go to work on your growth problems, you create a state change. And it’s not always easy to be ready to go to work on something, but not yet doing the work.

So write down what you’re seeing. Reach out if you need help. Do the next step in this process. There is no magic pill for fixing growth problems. This is going to take time. But getting started makes a difference.

So get excited and get ready to go to work.

I can’t wait to meet you and your team.



Alecia Huck

Owner, Lead Trainer

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