From the archives:


Nike ruined performance.

Sort of.

“Just do it” is a nice idea and a great motivational phrase but a terrible model for actually improving performance.

Are you tired of killing yourself to produce good results? The Performance Zone will help you figure out how YOU produce your best results, the small adjustments you can make that can make a big difference in the results you produce.

This article contains almost two decades of human behavior research, both formal and informal. It explains the basics of the Performance Zone Model I use with clients and companies even now. You can apply the model to individuals or even teams.

Want to make it easier to get great work done?

A couple last things:

  1. You are welcome to share this article as is.  You are also welcome to quote or reprint as long as you credit the author and include a link to the full article.  Please also send a link or copy to my office.  It's fun to know people like your stuff and are using it.  It kind of feels like fan mail.

  2. Actual fan mail is also welcome: